new & upcoming titles.


We were only supposed to play house, not build one.

Safety. A concept so foreign I’d spent years lingering in the arms of a man who was everything it wasn’t. Love. A tenderness I was so inexperienced in that what I’d called love for a decade confused me. Space. Accustomed to shrinking for years that I never knew I deserved to occupy it.



You can laugh here. You can cry here. Take that armor off. It’s not required.


The way my tone softened. The way my spine straightened. The way I became my favorite version of myself in his presence. I noticed…


is it romance you’re after?

or do you seek to peruse the contents of my head? the blog is a gumbo of my thoughts, potential projects, etc.

searching for happy ever after?

Or maybe just a happy ending? Look no further. Check this collection of short stories sure to make you all warm and fuzzy inside. Grab your favorite wine, kick your feet up, and enjoy.